Residential detox and rehabilitation

Day Service at Oxygen Recovery

Non-residential help

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Oxygen Recovery Day Service

At Oxygen Recovery we strive to help people, if we can, regardless of their situation. We can provide a day service for local clients who may not be able to commit to a longer term residential stay. The service is tailored to individual need and a therapeutic programme is devised in a collaborative way with the client and their keyworker.

Clients can attend Group Therapy, Key-working and Counselling and can also attend any of our therapeutic groups such as Art Therapy, Mindfulness and Yoga. Lunch will also be provided.

To really enhance their recovery a client would be advised to attend at least three days per week, but we do recognise that this is not always possible and we do our best to accommodate each client’s individual needs.

For more information about our Day Service, please contact us at or call 01442 275 880.